
Reasons to Become a Member

There’s nothing like being a Lion. We make a difference in our communities and in the lives of the people we serve. Opportunities to lead – Lions are leaders in their community, organizing projects that meet real needs.

Make A Difference

You receive when you give – Did you know that helping others actually helps you? A recent article in Psychology Today states that, “Research has found many examples of how doing good, in ways big or small, not only feels good, but also does us good.” Being a part of something big – Lions are a big family. A really big family. We are 1.4 million men and women in 48,000 clubs in nearly every country on earth.

Our Vision

To be the global leader in community and humanitarian service. WHY NOT JOIN US TODAY! Contact us to be our guest at one of our dinner meetings. Email Here The Guelph Lions Club meet on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday, September – June @ 7pm at the Guelph Country Club, 133 Woodlawn Road E, Guelph. Note: We are meeting physically but you can also join our meetings anytime by Zoom.

Join Us

Why not join us? Contact us at 519-341-3575 or email us HERE and be our guest at our dinner meeting and discover all the wonderful service we Lions do for not only our Community but Internationally. We are proud to serve